01 November 2023

2023 October Roundup

It's gotten really cold here the past week or two 🥶 It's like we no longer get to enjoy mild autumn (or spring) weather in Boise. It remains warm and summery until winter suddenly steps in! I don't mind too much, though. I much prefer going on my morning runs in the cold and dark, and bundling up in my warmest clothes all day is always super cozy and comforting 😊 Here's what I've been up to over the past month!

Patreon Rewards

On the 18th, I sent out postcard rewards featuring a colored version of my "Harvest" Inktober52 drawing. I thought this piece was a nice match for the autumn and Halloween vibes in October 🌕

All of my current patrons have selected postcards (or no physical reward) but there are also prints available, plus all patrons get access to our private Studio Mikarts Discord server and the cute custom emoji I've been making 💖 Click here to join us!


I've remained caught up on posting to dA! It's amazing! Here's one of the pieces I created and uploaded in October, my "Demon" Inktober52 drawing.

Click here to view, fave, and comment on deviantART, and to see the other October work I've posted there 🖼️✨


My Twitch streams continue to go well, and thanks to a suggestion from one of my subscribers, I added a chat overlay to the video! Now I don't have to read everyone's messages out loud in order for them to make sense to anyone watching the recording later. I'm so grateful to my chatters for making it worthwhile (by chatting, lol) to add a chat overlay 🥰

Just like Patreon members, my Twitch subscribers get access to the private Studio Mikarts Discord server and the custom emoji there. On top of that, they get to use those emoji on Twitch as custom emotes! Click here to check out my streaming schedule and subscribe to my channel 💖

Charity Fundraising

Every month, I choose a featured charity and then make a donation of $0.10 USD per unique Twitch viewer (min $10, max $100). If that charity is available through Twitch's fundraising tool, I also set up a fundraiser for viewers to contribute to throughout the month. I'm so excited this time because one of my Twitch viewers donated the full amount all in one go!

Thank you, Sarah~!! 🕊️💕

So, on top of the $10 from SarahQuilt via Twitch, my own donation also comes out to $10, thanks to the 18 unique viewers who joined me during my October streams!

I chose to feature Palomacy in October, because October 2021 was the first full month I spent with a pigeon 🥰 Palomacy helps with pigeon rescue and teaching people about these beautiful, cuddly birds, who are misunderstood and mistreated by many humans. I'm so excited that we were able to essentially double our impact so that more pigeons can live happy lives thanks to Palomacy's efforts!

If you would like to support Palomacy's work, please donate to them here. The pigeons will thank you~! 🕊️💖💕

Gryphia Progress

Even though it's the biggest project I'm working on, my illustrated novel has not made much progress this year. So it felt like an even bigger achievement than it otherwise might when I finally started writing chapter 8 of my first draft!

I've reworked my schedule so that I should have at least 90 minutes a week to write, so hopefully next month I will have more good news about my progress 📝✨ Wish me luck!


That's it for October's roundup, I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you for reading all the way to the end 🙏 I'll be back next month with November's news. Until then, please stay happy, healthy, and safe~!

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