12 October 2023

2023 Japan Adventure - Part 10: Second Day at Sea

Welcome to the tenth entry in my 2023 Japan Adventure series! Last time, we left Busan, Korea, en route to Kanazawa, Japan. This entailed a bit more travel time than previous days, which allowed us to just enjoy being on board the Silver Muse during our second full day at sea. Of course, that means there's not too much exciting to share here, but peaceful days are a nice part of vacationing, too 😌

Monday 20 March 2023 - Second Day at Sea

Another beautiful sunrise~🌅

This was our first time eating in the Atlantide restaurant.
Breakfast was always the best meal for me during this cruise, as a vegan!

Just look at that dreamy view 💖

It was fun to do the ship's daily puzzles! We only had the time during days at sea.

Although packing for formal nights was a huge pain,
I won't deny I love a chance to get fancy ✨

My husband, Sean, looking totally handsome 😍

Enjoying after dinner drinks!

Pineapple, my favorite~! 🍹🍍✨

Take it from me, there is nothing better than a hot bubble bath at sea~!!

And that's it for this entry! Thank you for reading to the end. Please look forward to part 11 and our visit to Kanazawa, including exploring a preserved samurai residence that was participating in a collab with the new anime My Happy Marriage which I've since watched and love 🤩 Until then, may you stay happy, healthy, and safe~

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