12 October 2023

2023 Japan Adventure - Part 10: Second Day at Sea

Welcome to the tenth entry in my 2023 Japan Adventure series! Last time, we left Busan, Korea, en route to Kanazawa, Japan. This entailed a bit more travel time than previous days, which allowed us to just enjoy being on board the Silver Muse during our second full day at sea. Of course, that means there's not too much exciting to share here, but peaceful days are a nice part of vacationing, too 😌

Monday 20 March 2023 - Second Day at Sea

Another beautiful sunrise~🌅

This was our first time eating in the Atlantide restaurant.
Breakfast was always the best meal for me during this cruise, as a vegan!

Just look at that dreamy view 💖

It was fun to do the ship's daily puzzles! We only had the time during days at sea.

Although packing for formal nights was a huge pain,
I won't deny I love a chance to get fancy ✨

My husband, Sean, looking totally handsome 😍

Enjoying after dinner drinks!

Pineapple, my favorite~! 🍹🍍✨

Take it from me, there is nothing better than a hot bubble bath at sea~!!

And that's it for this entry! Thank you for reading to the end. Please look forward to part 11 and our visit to Kanazawa, including exploring a preserved samurai residence that was participating in a collab with the new anime My Happy Marriage which I've since watched and love 🤩 Until then, may you stay happy, healthy, and safe~

05 October 2023

2023 August & September Roundup

Long time, no post! I hope you're doing well! I fell behind and wasn't able to finish my August roundup before it became time to start work on September 😮 I decided to pare down the contents of these posts so that I can get them out to you in a timely fashion while still successfully juggling the rest of my obligations and projects. The focus will now be centered on the creative work I did over the past month. I hope you'll find it just as interesting and fun as ever!

Patreon Rewards

Members of the Studio Mikarts Patreon help support my work financially, which is obvious, but also emotionally, because it really means more than I can say to receive that support! Members can choose to receive a monthly postcard, print, or both as a thank-you (and there's a no-reward tier for those who want their support to go entirely toward artmaking). At the beginning of August, I sent out a digitally colored version of my Mermaid Inktober52 drawing 🧜‍♀️💌

In September I sent out two rewards, my cows onomatopoeia piece, which was months in the making, and a digitally colored version of my Vampire Inktober52 piece.

Patreon is the most effective way you can support the work I do. Right now I'm saving up the monthly contributions to buy and install a utility sink in my studio 🤩 Click here to join Studio Mikarts and help make it happen!


I GOT CAUGHT UP ON SUBMISSIONS 😎🤘 My long-time readers will know that I've been working toward this for ages! I finally did it! I'm even caught up in that my first Inktober52 from October is posted! I hope to continue staying on top of submissions from here on out so that my viewers on dA can enjoy the most up-to-date artwork. The piece I most want to show off here is my cows onomatopoeia illustration!

Click here to view, comment, and fave on deviantART ❤️ You can check out my galleries there to see even more new art, beyond what I'm sharing here!


Art streaming on Twitch has been going well, as usual! You can check my weekly streaming schedule here. I was derailed for a week in September after catching a cold, but I made up for it by postponing the vacation that I had planned to take 😎 (I'm taking a week off this month, instead!) Here are my featured recordings from August and September:

I'm actually THIS close to finishing my first custom emote for my Twitch subscribers, so I hope you'll consider subscribing to my channel to support my creative work and enjoy using the cute chibi emotes that I'm making for you 💜 Even if not, I'd love to see you in the chat sometime! Please join us~!

Charity Fundraising

I use my monthly unique viewers count on Twitch to calculate a donation I make to a featured animal charity, with the formula being $0.10 USD per viewer, minimum $10, maximum $100. Amusingly, I had 18 unique viewers in both August and September!

That comes out to a $10 donation each (plus processing fees, which I always opt to cover!) for Vegan Outreach and Best Friends Animal Society, which I have now made 😊 If you, also, would like to help animals through these organizations, please click on the links and make a donation! You will literally help save lives 💖

That's all for this roundup! I hope you enjoyed the shorter, more focused format 😊 Thank you very much for reading all the way to the end. Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe~!!

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