10 July 2020

Pets Out of Context - Part 1

I thought up a new project! You see, we have a Google Nest Hub in our kitchen that displays randomly selected photos we've taken, and one day a couple weeks ago, it showed a very silly looking photo of our dog, Sun. In the photo, he was sleeping on the couch with his snout tucked into the arm cushion. The result was a very odd position that almost looked painful or physically impossible, but which must have been comfy since he was sleeping like a log 😆 As we were walking Sun a while later, it came to me that it could be fun and amusing to draw Sun as he appears in the photo, without drawing anything else, so that the oddness of his position could be fully appreciated. I realized this could be quickly done, which meant I could do it without compromising schoolwork, and finally decided to make it my visual art project for July!

Click here to visit the Patreon-exclusive post revealing the photo behind this drawing.

For my first entry into this series of drawings, I decided to choose a photo of Sun, our Shiba Inu. He was the one who inspired me in the first place, after all! I didn't use the photo that originally inspired me, though. I didn't take that particular photo myself, so it was faster and easier to look through my own library.

Click here to visit the Patreon-exclusive post revealing the photo behind this drawing.

The next pet I chose to draw was our Ragdoll/Norwegian Forest Cat, Bear. He was the oldest of all our pets, and very sadly, passed away only days after I drew him. It was a long time coming, so it wasn't exactly unexpected, but I was still happy to have drawn one more picture of him while he was still with us 🤍

Click here to visit the Patreon-exclusive post revealing the photo behind this drawing.

The next pet I drew was our Manx, Kiba! He's a funny kitty who has undergone an extreme personality change over the past few years, all for the better. We rescued him as a stray (he had been living under our house for about a year ever since the neighbors moved away and abandoned him; we finally took him in when we noticed he had lost a worrisome amount of weight) so he was understandably skittish when he first joined us. These days though, he is more silly than scared, so we have a lot of good photos to use for this project!

Click here to visit the Patreon-exclusive post revealing the photo behind this drawing.

After drawing three of our pets, I couldn't not finish off my first four drawings with our last pet, Kiki! She's an American Shorthair (or thereabouts), and a super playful, mischievous, athletic girl. She's the only fellow girl I have here at home and I like to think we have a lot in common 😊

Click here to visit the Patreon-exclusive post revealing the photo behind this drawing.

For my fifth drawing, I came back around to Sun again. This was the piece where I had to make some decisions about things like collars. If the pet was actually wearing it, should I draw it? In the end, I naturally ended up not drawing them. I think it makes the final image even more interesting 😁

Click here to visit the Patreon-exclusive post revealing the photo behind this drawing.

The last drawing I'm including in this post was finished just yesterday. For this one, I reached way back into the past and chose a photo of our family cat, Gaki, who has long since passed on 🤍 Kiki has been reminding me of Gaki a lot recently, so I think that combined with the inherent qualities of the photo itself is what lead me to choose the photo reference for this drawing.


That's all for this post! I intend to keep drawing these throughout the month, so be on the lookout for future digest posts like this one! Stay safe and healthy everyone ❤

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