21 October 2014

Pigment+Palette - 10th Edition

Welcome to my very first Pigment+Palette unboxing!  This is my second art supply subscription and although the idea of both services is the same (send surprise art supplies...ha ha, I didn't mean to rhyme but I like it!) Pigment+Palette has a distinctly different flavor.  That being said, I don't like the idea of questioning which subscription is better so I'm going to avoid commenting on how P+P is different from my previous subscription experiences and keep my focus only on this specific box.

Box with Pigment+Palette Printed on the Side
Outer shipping box.
Inner Pigment+Palette Box
Inner goodies box.

First I want to mention that my box arrived during Tomodachi Fest earlier this month.  I was so excited that I decided to do my unboxing in our hotel room rather than wait a few days to do it at home.  This worked out relatively well except my only decent light source was a short desk lamp with very yellow light.  So all my photos, despite my standard editing process, look...intense.  I prefer not to spend too long editing though, so these bright images are here to stay!

First Look After Opening the Box
First look!  It's fun to open the box because the flap is magnetic.

I already knew from watching others' unboxing videos that the P+P boxes come with an art print.  I was very happy to see the lovely art for this box!  It's whimsical and fun, plus the color palette is beautiful.  I was also excited after reading the note that the P+P folks left along with the print (more on that later).

Art Print and Message
This box's art print and my special message.

The art print also serves as the table of contents, as it were, for the box which it accompanies.  Art on the front, info on the back.  Pretty and useful!

Aquabord and Contents Card
"This Month's Theme: Smoke on the Water"

After checking out the print and message, I dove right into the box.  I briefly glanced at the contents list but I wanted to discover all the items myself before reading about them.  The first thing I saw after lifting the tissue paper got me very excited!

Aquabord and Ampersand Pamphlet
This is a product that's right up my alley!

Watercolor is one of my all time favorite art media.  Getting this Ampersand aquabord was spectacular not only because it's something that fits my artistic preferences but also because it's something I didn't know existed (I have used masonite board for oil painting, which is similar, but I don't enjoy oils and never thought to look for a watercolor-suitable version).  It's an expensive item too, helping make this Pigment+Palette box very valuable and worth the subscription price!  As of this post, I haven't yet tried the aquabord because I want to save it for a painting that I feel merits such high-end materials (i.e. I don't want to just scribble and experiment wildly and end up feeling like I wasted the item).

I liked that there was a pamphlet included, talking about Ampersand's related items.  Gives me an idea of what other neat artist surfaces are available.

Inner Contents of Pigment+Palette Box
More goodies underneath!

Already so excited about the aquabord, I was even more thrilled when I saw all the neat supplies waiting for me under it.  It's hard to believe they were able to squeeze all this good stuff in one box!

Watercolor Sample Cover and Color List
My first 'sample' item.
Sample Watercolor Palette with Watercolor Paper and Color List
A well planned sample!

I could now see everything at once so, to avoid being overwhelmed with the decision of what to examine first, I turned to the contents list to guide me.  The QoR Modern Watercolors were next.  Made by Golden Artist Colors, a brand I know more for acrylic than watercolor, this was actually a neat little sample palette that opened to reveal six daubs of complimentary colors on one side and a square of watercolor paper tucked into the opposite.  There was also a useful pamphlet included which listed all the colors available in this line.

I reviewed the watercolors in a previous post, so make sure to check it out!

Graphite Stick
ArtGraf stick.
Graphite Stick, Alternate View
I got 'soft' hardness.

The next listed item is this water-soluble graphite stick by ArtGraf.  I have a vague feeling that I may have heard of water-soluble graphite before but this is the first time I've gotten my hands on any.  I haven't personally used it yet (my sister tried it out to good effect) but I'm thinking this is another item that's perfect for me.  I'm considering using it on the aquabord once I have a composition in mind.  This is where the smoke in this month's "Smoke on the Water" theme must come from.

Mono Zero Eraser by Tombow
This tool is the best.  Get one!

When I saw the Tombow Mono Zero Eraser in my box, I couldn't help but laugh; I had seen someone get this item in one of their unboxing videos many months ago and was so enamored that I bought one from Amazon right away.  So I had to laugh because now I have two!  But I was not wrong in being impressed by this eraser before so I'm not the slightest bit disappointed to have another one.  It's just fabulous for artists who need to erase small details without eliminating other marks in the area.  I use it a lot when I'm cleaning up a sketch before inking (I keep the lines I want without having to redraw after erasing).  I received the round eraser, but I know a square version also exists.

Water Brush and Welcome Message
My welcome item!

Because this water brush wasn't listed on the contents card, I knew it must be my first-time-subscriber bonus item.  How perfectly it fits with the rest of the supplies!  I'm lucky that my first box was all related to a medium I really love~  I've already used this brush several times and even reviewed it in a recent New Art post.  I'm very happy to receive it (did I mention I love watercolor?) so thank you, Pigment+Palette folks!

All 10th Edition Pigment+Palette Items Together in the Box
So here we have it, my very first Pigment+Palette box!

Although I haven't tried all the items yet, I'm still very pleased with everything that came in this 10th Edition box.  I've heard that P+P will sometimes send totally different items to people based on supply.  If you got the 10th Edition box, did your supplies differ from mine?  Even if they were the same, did you get different sizes or types?  Any other first-timers who also got a bonus item?  Let me know!

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